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NÆRMERE (or “CLOSER”) is a bold and heartfelt dance performance which explores the growing loneliness among young people alongside an intrinsic human need for closeness. 

In a time where we are constantly keeping “in touch”, are we really getting the touch we need? NÆRMERE pays homage to the presence of being, offering a world of interconnected bodies lifting, merging, attempting to fall into place, and resting side by side.

The immersive format allows the audience to freely navigate the performance spaces. This offers an opportunity to choose: whether to pause, move on, or approach the dance as desired. 

NÆRMERE was performed at Kunstbygningen Filosoffen, 16th - 21th of March 2024, programmed by Teater Momentum. 


Produced by: Det Fynske Dansekompagni

Concept & choreography: Anna Ting Nissen Bech & Viljar Irtun Moe

Co-creating performers:

Camilla Schnack Tellefsen

Cecilie Schyth Kjær

Christina Dyekjær

Viola Dröse

Music: Anna Klungre

Consulting: Stine Isachsen Knudsen, Cirkeline Dahl Bondesen

Photo: Anders Brønserud Nielsen


The performance has received funding from Odense Kommune - Kulturpuljen, Slots og Kulturstyrelsen - Øernes Kunstfond, Dansk Skuespillerforbund og Cirkom.

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